Contact Us
Administration Building
913 Niobrara Ave.
Hemingford, NE 69348
(308) 487-3328 FAX (308) 487-5215
Finding a Solution
Generally speaking, parents and patrons are asked to bring a question or concern to the person on staff that is closest to a solution first. Sharing a question or concern with a teacher or with a coach or sponsor at a beginning level will allow both parties to see each others' perspective and reach some degree of understanding.
Bringing a concern to an administrator or to a School Board member before giving a staff or faculty member an opportunity to listen does not follow the "chain of command" that is required by our district.
Hemingford Central Offices
Dr. Travis Miller, Superintendent of Schools (487-3328)
Kristy Hanks, District Business Manager (487-3328)
Katie Kimball, School Nurse (487-SICK 7425)
Hemingford High School
(308) 487-3328
Dr. Travis Miller, Principal (7-12)
Hemingford Elementary School
(308) 487-3330
Eric Arneson, Principal (PreK-6)
Director of Student Services
(308) 487-3330
Mandy Plog