Kay Horstman image

Kay Horstman

Greetings from the high school computer/business room! Since teaching here from 1991 to present, I have had the pleasure of witnessing some of Hemingford's finest students! I have seen many changes to the staff, the physical structure of the school inside and out, and advancements in scheduling and classes. It has been a fun adventure and one that I have also enjoyed with three of my own children as Bobcats! This school is a great place for students to learn, excel, and find out what they are made of! It is exciting for me to see past students who are now working in the system in which they received their own education and our now passing that knowledge on.

Weekly Lesson Plans: http://planbook.com/planbook.html?t=1441057&k=9999&y=975477&v=W

Above is a link to my weekly lesson plans. Also feel free to stop by to see the progress of your student, ask questions you may have, or just to say hello. Communication is the key to all types of success!